Tired of trying to convince people to join something? Tired of putting links out there and nothing happens? Then stop it.

What do you think would happen if instead of posting links to get people to join a business you just downloaded a free game to your iPhone (or Android phone), played it a little and then invited your friends to try it? What if the game posted your score to facebook and some friends started playing.

Now what if the game actually kept track of everyone who plays it because you shared it and then you got paid when people buy those little extras in-game.

Imagine just 5 of your friends playing the game, then sharing it with all their friends, and as it spreads it tracks everything and pays you. No explaining, training or coaching, just people having fun for free and spreading it around for free.

This is actually happening, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. The first of many apps is already one of the top 100 games in the Apple App Store just weeks after being released and more are on the way soon.

Find out how you can download the first gaming app that pays you for sharing it.